中山幼儿园9月5日开放日精彩回顾 Review of Open Day


      In the morning of Sept 5, Zhongshan Kindergarten opened its gate to welcome visitors of parents and kids after elaborate preparation. Although it was raining in the morning, more than ten families made it to the kindergarten. So, what interesting activities have been conducted on the open day? Let’s have a look!

乌克丽丽初体验My first Ukulele experience

      A round of applause to our special guest, Ukulele master David, who gave excellent performance and taught many parents and kids to play Ukulele for the first time.

外教音乐律动时间Singing and dancing with Benjamin and Chiara


       Benjamin and Chiara are so good at singing and dancing. Let’s dance and sing along kids! Well done!

自由时间!Free time!

      The classroom had been turned into the kids’ wonderland! So many toys to play, I just want to stay!

园所介绍Introduction of the campus

While the kids were having fun playing the toys with the teachers, parents came to the classroom next door to listen to an overall introduction of the kindergarten delivered by principle Emma.

亲子茶叙派对Tea party


      After the introduction, the principle and teachers guided the parents and kids to have a tour of the building. Its unique design and superior facilities were recognized and praised by the parents. After that, delicious snacks and beverage were served, which turned our open day into a big party! These were what we do on our open day. Are you tempted to join us the next time?